Jennifer Levanduski
March 17, 2022
Kiddom is excited to announce a partnership with the Core Knowledge Foundation and will offer Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) Grade 6 in Fall 2022.
As schools, teachers, and students return to some semblance of “normal” after a very tough couple of years, one thing has become clear – high quality, digital, instructional materials are going to be at the core of improving educational outcomes and classroom experience going forward. Given this, we knew it was imperative to seek out more great curriculum partners to offer starting in Fall 2022.
The Core Knowledge Foundation is an independent, non profit organization dedicated to advancing equity and education for all students. With a mission closely aligned to Kiddom, and a reputation for outstanding curriculum, it was an easy decision to partner with them on the upcoming release of their 6th grade language arts curriculum.
Additionally, when members of Kiddom’s instructional design team dug in on the CKLA curriculum, it became obvious that many of the key features of the curriculum could be directly supported by core workflows and features of the Kiddom platform. We’re excited to offer educators the opportunity to use this knowledge-based curriculum in our platform that offers flexibility and simplified workflows.
So, how does Kiddom enhance the CKLA curriculum?
The Core Knowledge Language Arts curriculum is so comprehensive and includes a wide variety of materials for each unit. Managing all these resources can get overwhelming. Enter Kiddom’s Curriculum Tab! From this screen, teachers can see descriptions, teaching tools, assessments, presentation materials, and more. This gives teachers the ability to manage the curriculum in the way best suited to their classroom, using their own expertise to pick and choose which materials to use.
The Core Knowledge curriculum features “Turn & Talk” and “Think, Pair, Share” activities that encourage students to interact with each other. While these activities traditionally mean physically turning to your neighbor and talking – sometimes a teacher may want other options. Kiddom’s communication tools – like chat, groups, and the Kiddom Live integration – give teachers options for students who may be remote or who may prefer to communicate via typing not talking.
The Core Knowledge curriculum often encourages students to “use this resource throughout the unit” or gives students reference materials. Kiddom’s student bookmarks allows a student to bookmark these resources and keep them open alongside other learning materials, making it easy to digitally cross-reference them.
Kiddom is thrilled to bring the Core Knowledge curriculum into our dynamic digital platform and can’t wait to talk to you about how Core Knowledge Language Arts + Kiddom can work in your school.